Friday, June 5, 2015

Oracle interview questions on D2k Reports, summary columns/ placeholder column/ formula columns

SJA->Oracle interview questions on D2k Reports, what is summary columns/what is placeholder column/what is formula columns .

oracle applications interview questions ,d2k reports interview questions for freshers frequently asked reports interview questions are given following .

7.What is the difference between frame and repeating frame ?
Ans:  the difference between frame and repeating frame is ..
 frame is used to display the layout objects only one  time like  headings/titles and their filed values at once

   Name     job    sal
  Raju       eng     30000
Repeating frames are used to display multiple record at a time ,that means multiple record are in layout then we        are using repeating frame .

   Name      job         sal
  Raju        jr.eng     20000
  Ravi        sr.eng     40000  
  Niha       tech.sup  30000
8.What is summary column in reports ?
Ans : the summary columns are performs a calculations based on another column value ,the summary column data type should be depend on the source column .this summary column normally used for  calculating the sum averages and etc .
The summary columns are generally preceded by CS_ to differentiate them from other columns .

9. What is placeholder column in reports ?
Ans :the placeholder column is nothing but an empty container
Created at design time. This is populated at runtime, in other words the place holder column is name of the variable which can hold a calculated value (i.e summary ,average ),this place holder value are set by function and the pl/sql block only.

10. What is formula columns in reports ?
Ans :the formula column can perform a user defined  computations on the data of one or more other columns data .this formula column is a pl/sql function that returns a single value .
The formula columns are generally preceded by CF_ to differentiate them from other columns .

 Tags : (oracle apps ),D2k Reports interview questions / D2k Reports  basics / oracle interview questions for freshers /oracle D2k Reports / oracle basic interview questions /D2k Reports in oracle apps /What Is summary columns /What Is placeholder column /What Is formula columns /how Many Report Layout Types /What Is Frame  /D2k Reports Company / D2k Reports / D2k Reports What Is Repeating Frames /D2k Reports (oracle apps )


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