Saturday, June 6, 2015

Oracle Apps Questions and Answers for D2k Reports, Report Triggers/ Formula Triggers

Oracle Apps Questions and Answers for D2k Reports, Report Triggers/ Formula Triggers /Before Parameter form Trigger /After Parameter form Trigger/Before Report Trigger /Between Pages Trigger/After Report Trigger ?

oracle apps interview questions ,Report Triggers/ Before Parameter form Trigger /After Parameter form Trigger/Before Report Trigger /Between Pages Trigger/After Report Trigger /d2k reports interview questions for fresher's frequently asked reports interview questions are given following.
17.What are the various types of report triggers and also define how they are firing ?
Ans. There are five types of Report Triggers they are
1.Before Parameter Form Trigger : Before Parameter Form Trigger will fires before the run time parameter form that will displayed on the screen ,by using Before Parameter form Trigger you can change the value of the parameters
 2.After Parameter form Trigger: After form Trigger will fires after runtime parameter form is displayed. by using After Parameter form Trigger  you can access parameters and check the values ,and also be used to change the parameter values .
3.Before Report Trigger : Before Report Trigger will fires before the report is execution but after queries are parsed and data is fetched .
4.Between Pages Trigger : Between Pages Trigger will fires before each page of the report is formatted (printed in layout ) ,except the very first page , Between Pages Trigger can be used for customized page formatting .
5.After Report Trigger : After Report Trigger will fires after you exit the previewer or after report layout is sent to specified destination, such as a file ,a printer , After Report Trigger can be used to clean up any initial processing that was done.

18. What are the Formula Triggers available in reports ?
Ans the formula triggers are three types they are
1. Action Triggers : Action Triggers are PL/SQL procedures , these are executed when a button is selected in the previewer ,the Action Triggers can be used dynamically call another report  or execute any other PL/SQL procedure.
2.Format Triggers : Format Triggers are PL/SQL functions ,these are executed before the objects is formatted , Format Triggers can be used to dynamically change the formatting attributes of the objects.
3.Validation Triggers : Validation Triggers are PL/SQL functions ,these are executed when parameter values are specified on the command  line and when you accept the runtime parameter form,
 that means Validation Triggers are fired twice when you execute the report .

19. How many times a between pages Trigger will fired ?
Ans  n-1 times ,
for example , if report output has 11 pages then the between pages trigger will be fired 10 .

 Tags : oracle apps interview questions,D2k Reports interview questions / D2k Reports  basics / oracle interview questions for fresher's /oracle D2k Reports / oracle apps interview questions  /oracle basic interview questions /D2k Reports /What Report Triggers /What Is Before Parameter Form Trigger, After form Trigger, Before Report Trigger /What Is Formula Triggers /how Many between pages trigger will be fired /What Is  /D2k Reports / D2k Reports / in D2k Reports What Is Action Triggers /D2k Reports in Oracle Apps.


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